Бэрт болон Барт


Bert Geeraets has been a cameraman and film maker for over 25 years.  During the 90’s he was involved in various mountain expeditions to the K2 in Pakistan.  (Volkskrant K2 ’95, Rtl5 Docu K2), to the geographic North Pole and various expeditions over land in Africa and Asia.  Following this, he produced various commercial and non-commercial productions for 15 years and worked freelance as a cameraman for several broadcasters and producers.

Bert Geeraets is always on the lookout for new deployment techniques.  He was one of the first to use point-of-view (POV) cameras (Testing Pov 2008) at a time when the selfie stick was yet to be invented.  (Paaspop-pov-camera )  He pioneered making spectacular aerial images with the camera drone (drone demo).  He also used hacked high bitrate “big chip” cameras combined with old Carl Zeiss lenses.

During this trip he will be using his old and new techniques for telling the story.  He will be using his old film cameras for photography, but also the latest 360° VR cameras and a drone to allow the journey’s followers to experience a real “I am there” feeling.

His passion for the profession inspires him to keep learning and experimenting.  “It can always be better, more surprising, more exciting.  The image is always in motion”.



Cinematography by Bert Geeraets:

Documentaire De Woestijn bleef leeg broadcast by Andere Tijden under the NPO Director: Job van der Zon, camera: Bert Geeraets and Joost Maas

Reef-trailer Film about the exhibition Reef by the Chinese artist Liu Ding in the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht Director Paul Versteegen, camera: Bert Geeraets and Harm van Vught

K2 2008 Compilation of the tragic K2 ascent 2008.  Editing and compilation Bert Geeraets, camera Wilco van Rooijen




Миний том усан даралтат машин болон зүсэлтийн бамбарын өмнө 300 кг жинтэй, 15 мм зузаан, зоос мэт хавтгай зэврүүлсэн төмөр байрлана. Энэ бол зураачийн хувьд цэвэрхэн цаастай эсвэл зохиолчийн хувьд хоосон дэлгэцтэй нэгэн адил юм.

Энэ л мөчид миний төсөөлөл хэлбэр дүрсээ олж би бамбараа асаадаг. Миний бүтээлийн үе шат бүхэн тэвчээртэй зүтгэсэн тэр эцсийн үр дүнгийн төлөө тэмүүлдэг. Миний ажлын үндэс суурь нь: алхаар сийлж, бамбараараа будах юм.

Миний Heusden дахь ажлын байр бүтээлч сэтгэлгээг сэдээж байдаг. Өглөө ажилдаа ирсэн мөчөөсөө л алхны цохилтын чимээ миний утасны дуу мэт өдөржин цуурайтдаг.


Little Jane with little Cheeta 5RVS 5Caballo Monopiedra 50 cm-2girlpower 8K3_20913---